Ana’s top 10 Good Things for 2008
10. DVR
9. the 11th day of Christmas Raffle
8. Slot Machines
6. blogs
5. Wii
4. The Swedish & Polish
3. Sasha, The Breedon’s, The May’s, Eli, and my Mom all came up to see me.
2. Turning 40 in Vegas (thank you Craig)
1. New York City (thank you Craig again)
I'm looking to share a little of myself with the world. I'm going to take alot of pictures and read alot of books, hopefully reconnect with old friends and make some new ones.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Look Back
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Twilight and more Cake

yes Its been snowing on and off for 5 days
Craig, Andrew and I have been snowbound since Wednesday and going a little stir crazy.
so, If you get your Christmas pressies a little late this year it's not my fault. I could not make it out to the post office.
Craig, Andrew and I have been snowbound since Wednesday and going a little stir crazy.
so, If you get your Christmas pressies a little late this year it's not my fault. I could not make it out to the post office.
I'm very sorry, but it's very nasty out and they say it'll be worse tonight.
With Hurricane winds and power outages.
Oh my!...... I'll keep y'all posted.
Here's the picture from out Christmas party last week
Since I'm snow bound I did manage to finish the first three books by Stephanie Meyer in her twilight series
New Moon and
I thought they where cool. I mean if I where 13 yrs. old I would be going crazy about these vampire books but they where quick fun reads and I cant wait to read the fourth installment and see what happens in the teenage love triangle of Bella (the human) , Jacob (the werewolf) and Edward (the vampire)
its totally sappy but quite engrossing and enjoyable
I also read
"I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crossley and I can tell you right now I don't think I like it. I think its a bit stupid.
"I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crossley and I can tell you right now I don't think I like it. I think its a bit stupid.
This list of essays reads like a list of interview for a new friend position.
I think I'll answer the questions that she answers in the book
1.Tell me why did your parents name you Ana Maria?
Oh I see, you where named after your mom's sister, that's nice oh you say she used to go out with your dad how unusual.
2. Do you have an embarrassing collection (besides porn) that if you died your mom would say what the hell?
What? you keep cadbury chocolate eggs and almond m&m's and whoopers in your underwear drawer!! All year long? No, I'm sorry that doesn't qualify as disturbing at all.
3. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?
Morgan was her name you say and she could do magic spells
Very Witchy I wonder if in a past life you lived in King Arthur's Court?
4. Worst Boss
When I worked @ the Westin in El Paso
my married boss would come on to me every single time we where aloneI mean come on to me like he hadn't seen a woman in 30 yrs. all tongue hanging out andand octopus hands, I was young and flattered but he was so old and gross
well it keeps going on and on ....
and I'm bored so I'm done with this installment of my 40th year.
Hey If you want to answer the 4 questions above why don't you do so, in the comments area
i'd like to hear from you
If I don't post anything else soon I'd like to wish you all a
Merry Christmas and a Safe New Years and I do think about you once in a while
Monday, December 8, 2008
Let me eat cake!

I think Craig's getting tired of hearing me tell strangers on the street my age. I guess I'll stop. No one seems to think it's as big a deal as I do.
I'd like to wish my lovely sister a happy Birthday (its December 1st) and to let her know I love her lots.
I did alot this past week and it started with putting up the Christmas tree. Thanks to the help of Lillian and Norman.
Ha! I put you in my blog.
I also put my Christmas lights on outside. I'll post pictures of it soon. It looks really cute.
Friday night we spent it with Mago (Mans and Gosia) they had people over and we did some "Christmas Caroling".
Saturday woke up late to much "Caroling" finished up my book of the week which is
"In the time of the Butterflies" by Julia Alvarez
I highly recommend this book if your lacking some GIRL POWER in your life.
This is a powerful tale of four sisters that help end the tyranny of a dictator (Trujillo) in the DR (Dominican Republic)
It will leave you wanting more so.... rent the movie.
I did.
Of course its not as moving as the book, but its good. Salma Hayeck and Marco Antonio look so young
James E Olmos does a good job @ being the villain. I recommend that if your going to read the book don't watch the movie until afterwards.
To continue my Saturday.
Then we had our company Christmas Party @ the Boring I mean Boeing Future of Flight.
Nice Venue. Bland food. went home @ 9pm.
Now for Sunday.... The most fun day of my week
I laughed and laughed till I peed in my pants.
(Yup my bladder is shot now that I'm old, Depends here I come)
Went out with the wild and crazies ( my meetup group)
We had the ugliest Christmas Sweater, White Elephant gift exchange and Red Whine night
I thought I had seen it all. But these poor sweaters.
I had no IDEA what ugly was until last night. The one that one first place. Lit up and had two women having a fist fight over presents....No Joke.
Anyway I had a great time and look forward to when I get to host them next month on January 9th.
by the way keep your eye on the Vegas post. I'm not quite done with it yet. Will add stuff to it soon.
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