Friday, February 13, 2009

Busy Little Worker Bee praying for some Spring

Sorry I’ve not blogged for a while. It’s just been a busy month for me
I wish that I had hibernating abilities, I’ve been so cold this bad weather has me real down

We’ll start with the only movie I’ve seen this month went to Everett on Sunday Feb 8th and saw “New in Town” with my wild and crazies’ meetup group .Let’s start by saying that although Rene Zellweger and I are both 40 years old she looks a lot older than I in this movie. Her character and Harry Connick’s never had any chemistry. The jokes are dull and I’ve heard them all before. She is not that funny anymore; I think Bridget Jones is dead.

Next up is I had a Stamping Up Party with Beth Anderson on Feb 5th it was @ my house and didn’t think we where going to fit but It was great fun. We ate lots of chocolate and wine
We made Valentines Day cards here’s a sample up on top.

And finally I’ve read three books and here I am reviewing them for you the first is
The Queen's Fool: A Novel by Philippa Gregory
from publishers notes:

A young woman caught in the rivalry between Queen Mary and her half sister, Elizabeth, must find her true destiny amid treason, poisonous rivalries, loss of faith, and unrequited love.
It is winter, 1553. Pursued by the Inquisition, Hannah Green, a fourteen-year-old Jewish girl, is forced to flee Spain with her father. But Hannah is no ordinary refugee. Her gift of "Sight," the ability to foresee the future, is priceless in the troubled times of the Tudor court. Hannah is adopted by the glamorous Robert Dudley, the charismatic son of King Edward's protector, who brings her to court as a "holy fool" for Queen Mary and, ultimately, Queen Elizabeth. Hired as a fool but working as a spy; promised in wedlock but in love with her master; endangered by the laws against heresy, treason, and witchcraft, Hannah must choose between the safe life of a commoner and the dangerous intrigues of the royal family that are inextricably bound up in her own yearnings and desires.
Teeming with vibrant period detail and peopled by characters seamlessly woven into the sweeping tapestry of history, The Queen's Fool is another rich and emotionally resonant gem from this wonderful storyteller.
This is the second book of this author that I’ve read. I’ve also read “The Constant Princess” but it was quite some time ago.
I really enjoy her heroines they are as smart and daring as any in Jane Austen’s work. She makes a dark part of English history more real and intriguing.
I really liked this book her “fool” was very intelligent character with conviction and honesty, she explains the court life during this era very well and I like the fact that this book is not all sex.
Philippa Greogory also wrote “The other Boleyn Girl” I haven’t gotten to that one yet but now that she has snared me with her spanish heroines I might have to read this other work of hers as well.

The second book I read this month was book 3 in th Kushiel’s Legacy Series:
“Kushiel’s Mercy” by Jaqueline Carey
From the front and back flap
Having learned a lesson about thwarting the will of the gods, Imriel and Sidonie Publicly confess their affair, only to see the country boil over in turmoil. Younger generations, infatuated by their heart-twisting, star-crossed romance, defend the couple. Many others cannot forget the betrayals of Imeriel’s mother, Melisande, who plunged their country into a bloody war that cost the lives of their fathers, brothers and sons.
To quall the unrest, Ysandre, the queen, sets her decree. She will not divide the lovers, yet neither will she acknowledge them. If they marry, Sidonie will be disinherited, losing her claim to the throne.
There’s only one way the can truly be together. Imriel must perform an act of faith: search the world for his infamous mother and bring her back to Terre d’Ange to be executed for treason.
Facing a terrible choice, Imriel and Sidonie prepare ruefully for another long separation. But when a dark foreign force casts a shadow over Terre d’Ange and all the surrounding countries their world is turned upside down, alliances of the unlikeliest kind are made, and Imreil and Sidonie larn that the god Elua always puts hearts together apurpose.
So, what can I say this very Valentine’s day trilogy is filled with intrigue. It has everything and I think both sexes can enjoy the
WAR, LOVE, DIRT, FANTAZY, SEX, Dirty Fantazy Sex.
I have come to love this whole continent with all its magical peoples.
I can’t wait for the next book: which you can preorder on amazon. I put this pic on the very top of my blog this week cuz it's very pretty.

Lastly I read
A very trashy trash vampire romance novel by my favorite trashy romance writer
Katie MacAlister
“Zen & the art of Vampires”
I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

It didn’t feel like Katie wrote this
It felt like someone tried to copy her style and did not do it right. I think it was missing Zaniness (Is that a word?).
The heroine “Pia” was a bit whinny and she like bedded everything in site.
The brooding Vampire was meaner than usual.
And who cares about ghosts from another century. Unless there scary of course.
The villains where idiots, and totally cartoony
I love her work, just not this one.

Well I've got you all caught up this month.
except that
Andrew is 18 on Feb 17th

My little boy is a man now.

I'll post pics of his birthday next week

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