Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year day 2

So these are my resolutions of  the new year I figure if I write them down somehow magically they will happen!

1. Exercise more. This one I have actually done something about. I bought a livingsocial groupon for $30 for a month of bootcamp and tonight was my first night at Total Sweat Fitness with Al and let me tell you that he's as tough as he looks :) I will be going on Mondays and Wednesdays and every other Saturday all this month, It will be fun b/c it will be with 4 of my awesome girlfriends. During the workout today, I had to lie down two times, I think it must have been all the booze I consumed this past week that brings me to resolution #

2.  Drink more water less alcohol. For this one I have gotten the old water bottle out and am now carrying it around. So far I've been good about the less booze, I only had a small glass of an old champagne yesterday (had to drink it before it went flat).

3. Clean the house regularly. I follow flylady and she has helped me and my clutter. Lately though I've become lazy, I did shine my sink and two loads of dishes, her Baby Steps are the way I have become organized.

4. Read more books. Santa got me a Kindle for Christmas, came with Amazon Prime and King County Library System set up and have already devoured two books. On the other hand I have wasted loads of time playing around with said Kindle and so I come to resolution #

5.  Master my electronics (not the other way around). I waste so much time, everyday online and my computer is one hot mess.The only setting on the camera I know is AUTO, and oh my new kindle...I don't think this resoulution will get done at all, but I will try.

6. Loose weight.  Still doing The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise. It's still working

7. Walk three to four times a week. I have a tredmill, a dog, and I get two fifteen minute breaks at work, this one should be easy right?

8. Stick to a budget.

9. Don't sweat the small stuff.

10. Set an example

Those are the top 10 here's the rest.
Be better to the dog. Continue to Volunteer. Smile More. Remember Birthdays.  More Sex, better sex. Get a life. Be a best friend. Listen better. Start a garden. Keep a journal. Be more assertive. Balance the check book. Plan a vacation. Learn a new sport. Make and send more holiday cards. Write more letters. Turn off the television. Be Happy. Meet new people. Be entertaining. Eat more vegetables. Make peace not war. Be a better photographer. Say Thank you. Be friendly to strangers. Be a better artist. Just to name a few.


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