Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twilight and more Cake

Well its been a fun week for everyone in Western Washington and I thought I'd share some of my snow pics.
yes Its been snowing on and off for 5 days
Craig, Andrew and I have been snowbound since Wednesday and going a little stir crazy.
so, If you get your Christmas pressies a little late this year it's not my fault. I could not make it out to the post office.
I'm very sorry, but it's very nasty out and they say it'll be worse tonight.
With Hurricane winds and power outages.
Oh my!...... I'll keep y'all posted.
Here's the picture from out Christmas party last week
Since I'm snow bound I did manage to finish the first three books by Stephanie Meyer in her twilight series
New Moon and
I thought they where cool. I mean if I where 13 yrs. old I would be going crazy about these vampire books but they where quick fun reads and I cant wait to read the fourth installment and see what happens in the teenage love triangle of Bella (the human) , Jacob (the werewolf) and Edward (the vampire)
its totally sappy but quite engrossing and enjoyable
I also read
"I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crossley and I can tell you right now I don't think I like it. I think its a bit stupid.
This list of essays reads like a list of interview for a new friend position.
I think I'll answer the questions that she answers in the book
1.Tell me why did your parents name you Ana Maria?
Oh I see, you where named after your mom's sister, that's nice oh you say she used to go out with your dad how unusual.

2. Do you have an embarrassing collection (besides porn) that if you died your mom would say what the hell?
What? you keep cadbury chocolate eggs and almond m&m's and whoopers in your underwear drawer!! All year long? No, I'm sorry that doesn't qualify as disturbing at all.

3. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?
Morgan was her name you say and she could do magic spells
Very Witchy I wonder if in a past life you lived in King Arthur's Court?

4. Worst Boss
When I worked @ the Westin in El Paso
my married boss would come on to me every single time we where aloneI mean come on to me like he hadn't seen a woman in 30 yrs. all tongue hanging out andand octopus hands, I was young and flattered but he was so old and gross

well it keeps going on and on ....
and I'm bored so I'm done with this installment of my 40th year.
Hey If you want to answer the 4 questions above why don't you do so, in the comments area
i'd like to hear from you
If I don't post anything else soon I'd like to wish you all a
Merry Christmas and a Safe New Years and I do think about you once in a while

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the picture of your puppy and the christmas tree!