Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I might have chuckled once but one chuckle does not a comedy make

I have a lot to share this week…..So get your reading glasses on.

Sunday Night @ Mago's House eating to much Pizza,

Salad and Nacho Dip getting a little frisky for the Camera

Had so much fun dancing to lady gaga Mans style in the kitchen

Duncan I think has the best dance though I'm still trying to erase that mental picture

What's this more smooching??
Can't get enough of the PDA!!!

Andrew pierced his ears for his 18th birthday.


Drinking Juice Wearing Funny Hats!

Craig made cookies this weekend

See the evidence

and finally the cutest picture of the week.

Ah.....que chulo.

Sunday Feb 28
In all of my 40 years on this earth I’ve never enjoyed the Oscars as much as I did this year
Dusty threw the best Party and there is nothing better in this world than sitting around the t.v. with 15 pajama clad girls eating churros and drooling over Hugh Jackman with our ballots in our laps hoping our movie gets picked. I had a fabulous time and hope next year she will do the same.

All the food was delicious, the company very entertaining and we even got a movie meetup set up to see Slumdog Millionaire. Yes!!!

Speaking of Movies

I repeat
DO NOT see :He's Just Not That Into You" I did on Sunday March 1st
and what a waste
I was not that into this movie
Seriously the biggest bunch of winers
I don't even know why I bother going to supposed "Romantic Comedies" anymore. This movie is so far away from Romance it's like the opposite. What is the opposite of Romance? I know it was a beating!
That means I recieved a not so funny beating @ the movies this weekend. They thought they'd do Love Actually in America and it did not even come close.
so thumbs down for that one

Next on the agenda is the book of the week

Testimony By Anita Shreve
The book is written from a researcher’s point of view and has testimonies, written confessions and interviews all of perceived truths.
If you have teenagers I urge you to read this book. It’s a very adult book that has some bad east coast prep school stuff that goes down and the repercussions. I liked the story but the narrative was not quite in balance,
So there where a couple of times I felt lost.
I think that getting a lot of views of the “crime” is a great way to write a book and in the end I recommend it.
So I give it a 3 out of 4 stars
And Finally My favorite TV Show is back!
Yeah for the amazing race on cbs
I hope Danny Devito's stunt doubles win
GO Mark and Michael

They totally Rock!

I forgot to add that sadly I have the biggest blister of my life on the bottom of my right foot
(Craig wouldn't let me post that pic)
got it when I went on a volksmarch in Downtown Woodinville 11k on Saturday had so much fun met a new group of cool walkers it was a beautiful walk

1 comment:

Don (The) said...

I found your link to your blog again after I rebuilt my computer. Nice entries. Loved the pics. What's with those weirdass yarn hats that teens in the Northwest wear? Wearing that would quickly earn an ass kickin' where we're from.

Happy Birthday Andrew!