Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What did I do for Chanukah day 1?

Put on your yarmelke, it's time for Chanukah. Hope you all had a nice Tuesday.
Do you ever have one of those days where 30 things happen but when someone asks; I dunno, I don't really remember? Well that was me today. Excited about it being a holiday, I got home wrapped Craig's pressie (a bottle of Namaste beer from Dogfish Head), made a delicious shepard's pie. Got the "Hebrew Hammer" all ready. My pressie was the Sherlock Holmes movie. Yeah...
Then my poor baby got home in a funk because he had a guy at work die of a heart attack today. Can you believe it? Poor guy, his name was Jay, he was a round 50 yrs old. You wake up just like any other Tuesday, take a shower, go to work, a girl gives you a cookie, your arm starts hurting, you tell your co-workers you don't feel well, go sit down, fall down and you die. That's it. The end. I really don't know how to end this story. I mean. How do you recover from a co-worker keeling over? God Bless Jay and I hope he's in a better place.

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