Tuesday, November 15, 2011

updated this blog thought I'd give it another go

You thought that I had broke up with you but your wrong...I'm going to start posting on blogger again b/c the V.A. blocks all my other pages on Tumblr so I thought I'd give this blog an update and let you know what's up in my life.
Around this time every year I re-evaluate where I stand in the world, what I've done and what is still waiting for me in the coming year. I pick this time because it is around my birthday, right before the Holiday Madness,  and the crisp Fall air gives me a feeling a reflection and renewal. I usually make a four part list of stuff: 1. What went right  2. What went wrong  3. What I want and 4. What I'm going to do.
Most people do this during New Year's but it takes me 11 months to recover from that and so....

1. What went right.

Even though the daily commute sucks, I really enjoy my job. Working for all these great teams, and meeting alot of interesting people, I can honestly say that my job is not boring. Of course no job is perfect, but I feel very fulfilled in what I do.

I think my love life has never been better (that's all I'm saying about that).

I'm feeling very healthy, exercise and diet are working.

Volunteering at the RotaCare Clinic in Bellevue on Saturday's rocks.

I'm enjoying my scooter. I love running around all over town in my little 2009 Yamaha Vino 125. I still need to pick out a nice name for her.

My paper crafting and Etsy store give me alot of personal satisfaction and I really enjoy stamping up with my meetup friends.

2. What went wrong. Or as I like to call it "Reflections of Missteps and Guilt".

Should of gone to Texas this year. Would of really like to see friends, family, mom and Andrew. Would have loved to talk to Sara one last time. I did love her like family.

Have become more HERMIT like lately.

Can't think of anything else

3. What I want.
To be debt free.

For Andrew to find his way.

To have more Friends.

To loose more pounds.

To paint the upstairs bathrooms, closets, my bedroom ceiling and craft room

And maybe a motorcycle

If wishes where horses....then beggars would ride.

4. What I'm going to.

Make a budget and stick to it.

Blog every day. Be a better communicator.  Talk more often with friends and family (Yes, on the phone). Answer all calls. Do Not Forget Appointments especially with friends. Get out with other people, be more forgiving  and open

Exercise more.  Just joined the local yoga studio plan to go there every week. Do aerobics on Thursdays @ the Y with my neighbor Gosia. Use the equipment in the "Cabana". Get into Volksmarching again
Drink less booze. Eat healthier. Lose more pounds!!!

Take more pictures


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